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Learning With Our Blogs





Learn Numerology Basics and Benefits – A Complete Guide


Life is not what happens to us, but how we respond to it. As a result of our life experiences, we may develop a mind-set that acts as a barrier to creating the life that we really want.

With our simple yet profound and powerful, holistic life coaching (individual and groups), transformational life changing workshops through which we help clients and participants identify limiting beliefs and overcome them to experience success in business, fulfilling and harmonious relationships, prosperity, emotional growth, good health to support, entire well-being
and much more!

With our personalized life coaching and interactive workshops, you will be lead through exercises that will help you to identify your thinking patterns and old limiting beliefs and reconfigure them, to achieve your dream life.

You will learn to release these untrue beliefs so that you can love yourself and others more fully for your inner harmony.

As your catalysts in transformation, our holistic approach to the work we do will enable you to:

About Livin Hharmony

An Empowered Way to Life

We at Livin’ Hharmony believe in Empowering our clients create the best version of themselves, so that they live a more fulfilling and a happier life by offering powerful – workshops, one-on-one holistic life coaching sessions, group life coaching sessions for organizations, numerology consultations with coaching, tarot coaching etc.

Our workshops

For Awareness and Growth


This is a Transformational and Internationally acclaimed, Two Day Workshop, which runs in more than 70 countries globally – originally created by best-selling author of You Can Heal Your Life ®, Louise L. Hay – an author, metaphysics teacher, entrepreneur and speaker.

Livin' Hharmony

Holistic Life Coaching & Tarot Coaching

Understand what your numbers say about you

Numerology Consultation

Awareness and understanding of our Unique ID can help us bridge the gap between who we truly are and the potential we have to become what we can.

Our date of birth and name are not a co-incidence. We are to learn our lessons as we walk this journey and the numbers reveal the experiences we go through in each lifetime.This relevance about how specific numbers in our date of birth and the alphabets of our name which have a specific value. It truly can help us to lead a successful life!

Learning with our Blogs

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Prasshant Jituri +91 755 8797 835