Numerology isn’t just about changing the spelling of your name. It’s beyond that. Every number in your date of birth and the number assigned to the alphabet in your name speak a lot about you. The numbers speak a lot about the events which may have occurred in your life in the past and what are the years ahead indicating. With the awareness of what your numbers say, it becomes easier to work toward your true potential and your life purpose so that you live a happier and more fulfilling life. Numerology, as the name suggests is the study of numbers with connections between numbers and your personality traits, destiny, events, and situations. Alongside this, it is also believed that every number has its own meaning and thus its unique impact and influences.
A detailed study of your charts is done to help you give deep insights into the various facets of your life like career, relationships, travel and relocation, health issues, relationship compatibility business and personal relationships. It is the study of the root numbers from 1 to 9 and 0 is not considered because it is infinite and whole, amplifying the energy of the number it gets attached to. There is a separate study of the fractional numbers like 13/4, 14/5, 16/7 and 19/1; the identical double-digit numbers called Master numbers 11, 22, 33 and so on up to 99.
Every number has a personality and speaks differently in the position of its appearance in the charts.
In general, these are the traits of the numbers:
1 – New starts, independence, action, courage, innovation, risk-taking
2 – Love, diplomacy, relationships, emotional intuition, tactical
3 – Creativity, communication, joy, optimism, self-expression, humour & s on
The fractional numbers like 13/4, 14/5, 16/7 and 19/1indicate a lot of turbulence when they appear on the charts. Each number speaks differently. So also the master numbers like 11,22,33 signify high vibrational energies which the individual has to work with all their lives, especially if they appear as Birthdate and Life path numbers.
Prashant Jituri -Livin Harmony is one of the most renowned numerologists in Bangalore that has been helping people unfold the hidden secrets of their lives across the world by playing an important role in understanding things in the better manner and further predicting potential outcomes. Being one of the famous numerology consultants in Bangalore, Prashant Jituri strives to help people understand themselves better by tapping into the underlying patterns of the universe and showing them the path through which they can get over their troubled life throughout.
Enriched with immense experience Livin Harmony has one of the best numerologists in Pune on board with them to help vanish all your problems related to business, personal life, education, family issues or any other issues that you are facing in your life. We truly believe that there’s nothing more important than life so we make sure to rejuvenate your lives by offering our effective numerology services in Pune with sheer dedication.
Benefits of Numerology
1. Self-help tool
It reveals your personal character and your life. The opportunities, joys, obstacles, and troubles arising in different phases of your life are indicated by your numerology cycles.
2. Better understanding of self
A numerology reading is formed based on the numbers derived from your full name and date of birth. This gives a clear insight into your personality, attitude, preferences, and behavioural patterns. By knowing these, you will gain a better understanding of yourself.
3. Identifies areas of opportunities
When you get a numerology consultation, you come to know about your areas of strength and opportunities.
4. Short term analysis
Your birth chart can indicate only long-term goals. However, numerology predictions can identify even the short-term events of your life. This in turn, guides you to make major decisions like buying or selling assets, job change, overseas opportunities and much more.
5. Works on your karma
The numbers in your numerology chart are empowered to reduce the effects of your karma, thereby altering your destiny! This brings happiness to your life.
6. Health and happiness
Health issues if any can be identified with the help of numerology. With its regular use, these issues can be minimised and/or avoided.
7. Buying and selling
When assets are to be bought or sold for long-term investments, numerology can be explored to figure out the most suitable dates for sale.
8. Career choice
Numerology becomes a guide for students and job aspirants. Students can choose the best career option for their growth. Job aspirants can apply to jobs in the field best suited for them and which gives them satisfactory returns.
9. Compatibility and relationship analysis
Everyone dreams of a happy married life, knowing their life-mate/another half. The same goes for business partnerships. You can be guided to have a flexible approach towards your spouse and partner with the help of numerology.
10. Rectifies your planetary defects
The numbers in numerology relate to stars and planets of the universe. Numerology readings and remedies can rectify the planetary defect in your birth chart.
11. Predictions
Many of us have queries pertaining to mergers, acquisitions, marriage, family etc. Numerology can give your effective predictions/forecasts regarding these.